Hip Dysplasia and Canine Total Hip Replacement (THR)

Brian Daubs pic As chief of surgery with the Animal Specialty and Emergency Hospital, Dr. Brian Daubs leads a Rockledge, Florida, facility that offers care for many types of pets. He offers advanced imaging services and emphasizes minimally invasive surgery. Dr. Brian Daubs regularly undertakes total hip replacement (THR) procedures in small animals, which involves the replacement of hip arthritic joint surfaces with prosthetics.

Common canine conditions that may progress to require THR include hip dysplasia, which involves the hip joint growing and developing abnormally. Hip joint looseness eventually combines with joint component malformation to cause pain and instability. This can ultimately lead to arthritis. The symptoms of hip dysplasia include lameness in the hind legs and unwillingness to engage in everyday activities such as jumping or climbing steps.

THR surgery involves removal of the arthritic femoral head, with the joint surfaces replaced by a prosthetic ball in the femur and socket in the acetabulum. With the prosthesis calibrated to exactly match the original joint anatomy, the arthritic joint should not cause pain following replacement.

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